Activities The Gaudino Workshop works specifically according to the typology of impulse of a musical instrument, such as: - Piano
- Bowed string instruments
- Plucking instruments
- Human voice
Photo: the Gaudino Workshop
Piano - apart from the normal work of restoration, renovation and tuning, we carry out a particular technique to obtain the best result possible - a regular, long, full sound.
Bowed string instruments - the work includes: the construction of innovative accessories, studied to balance the movement and stabilise the tension of the strings; the application of accessories to the instrument and the adjustment of the whole instrument to obtain emission regularity and stabilisation of the string tension.
Plucking instruments - we carry out a particular mounting of the strings with innovative systems which increase the sonority, thereby lengthening and regulating the sound. As a result this process elongates the duration of the tuning and the lifetime of the string.
Human voice - we can measure the fundamental notes, which determine the tonality with which each individual is in direct contact.